Source code for lipyphilic.transformations.transformations

# vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# lipyphilic ---
# Released under the GNU Public Licence, v2 or any higher version

Trajectory transformations --- :mod:`lipyphilic.transformations.transformations`

This module contains methods for applying on-the-fly trajectory transformations
with MDAnalysis.

Fix membranes broken across periodic boundaries

The callable class :class:`center_membrane` can be used to fix a membrane
split across periodic boundaries and then center it in the unit cell. The membrane is iteratively
shifted along a dimension until it is no longer split across periodic boundaries. It is then
moved it to the center of the box in this dimension.

The on-the-fly transformation can be added to your trajectory after loading it with

.. code:: python

  import MDAnalysis as mda
  import lipyphilic as lpp

  u = mda.Universe("production.tpr", "production.xtc")

  ag = u.select_atoms("resname DPPC DOPC CHOL")


This will center a DPPC/DOPC/cholesterol membrane in :math:`z` every time a new frame is loaded
into memory by MDAnalysis, such as when you iterate over the trajectory:

.. code:: python

  for ts in u.trajectory:

      # do some nice analysis with your centered membrane


`ag` should be an AtomGroup that contains *all* atoms in the membrane.

.. autoclass:: nojump


import pathlib
import warnings

import MDAnalysis as mda  # noqa: N813
import numpy as np
from import tqdm

__all__ = [

class triclinic_to_orthorhombic:  # noqa: N801
    """The class is deprecated and has been removed as its usage leads to incorrect results."""

    def __init__(
        _msg = (
            "`lipyphilic.transformations.triclinic_to_orthorhombic` is deprecated and has been removed "
            "as its usage leads to incorrect results."
        raise NotImplementedError(_msg)

[docs] class nojump: # noqa: N801 """Prevent atoms jumping across periodic boundaries. This is useful if you would like to calculate the diffusion coefficient of lipids in your membrane. This transformation does an initial pass over the trajectory to determine at which frames each atom crosses a boundary, keeping a record of the net movement across each boundary. Then, as a frame is loaded into memory, atom positions are translated according to their total displacement, taking into account crossing of boundaries as well box fluctuations in the box volume. By default, atoms are only unwrapped in :math:`xy`, as it is assumed the membrane is a bilayer. To unwrap in all dimensions, :attr:`center_z` must also be set to `True`. .. deprecated:: 0.11.0 Please use `MDAnalysis.transformations.NoJump` instead. """ def __init__(self, ag, nojump_x=True, nojump_y=True, nojump_z=False, filename=None): """ Parameters ---------- ag : AtomGroup MDAnalysis AtomGroup to which to apply the transformation nojump_x : bool, optional If true, atoms will be prevented from jumping across periodic boundaries in the x dimension. nojump_y : bool, optional If true, atoms will be prevented from jumping across periodic boundaries in the y dimension. nojump_z : bool, optional If true, atoms will be prevented from jumping across periodic boundaries in the z dimension. filename : str, optional File in which to write the unwrapped, nojump trajectory. The default is `None`, in which case the transformation will be applied Returns ------- :class:`MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep` object, or `None` if a filename is provided. Note ---- The `nojump` transformation is memory intensive to perform on-the-fly. If you have a long trajectory or a large number of atoms to be unwrapped, you can write the unwrapped coordinates to a new file by providing a :attr:`filename` to :class:`nojump`. Warning ------- The current implementation of `nojump` can only unwrap coordinates in orthorhombic systems. """ _msg = ( "`lipyphilic.transformations.nojump` is deprecated and will be removed " "in a later version. Please instead use `MDAnalysis.transformations.NoJump`." ) warnings.warn( _msg, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) = ag self.nojump_xyz = np.array([nojump_x, nojump_y, nojump_z], dtype=bool) self._nojump_indices = self.nojump_xyz.nonzero()[0] if not np.allclose([3:], 90.0): _msg = "nojump requires an orthorhombic box - triclinic systems are not supported." raise ValueError(_msg) self.ref_pos = ag.positions self.filename = pathlib.Path(filename) if filename is not None else filename if filename is None: self.translate = np.zeros( (,, self.nojump_xyz.sum()), dtype=np.float64, ) self._on_the_fly() else: # make the output directory if required self.filename.parent.resolve().mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) # And we only need to know by the translation vectors for a given frame self.translate = np.zeros( (, 3), dtype=np.float64, ) self._static_transformation() def _on_the_fly(self): """Apply the nojump transformation on-the-fly. This requires that the translation vector for each atom at each frame can be stored in memory, i.e n_atoms_to_unwrap * n_nojump_dimesions * n_frames * 64 bits. """ # First, wrap all atoms into the unit cell and check if that causes them to cross periodic boundaries. # Some atoms may be outside of the unit cell because they were made whole. # To make performing nojump easier, we will wrap every atom at every frame, so we need to check # that wrapping the atom doesn't move it across boundaries at this first step.[0] self.ref_pos = # previous frame minus current frame diff = self.ref_pos - for index, dim in enumerate(self._nojump_indices): # Atoms that moved across the negative direction will have a large positive diff crossed_pbc = np.nonzero(diff[:, dim] >[dim] / 2)[0] self.translate[crossed_pbc, :, index] +=[dim] # Atoms that moved across the positive direction will have a large negative diff crossed_pbc = np.nonzero(diff[:, dim] <[dim] / 2)[0] self.translate[crossed_pbc, :, index] -=[dim] self.ref_pos = for ts in tqdm([1:], desc="Calculating nojump translation vectors"): diff = self.ref_pos - for index, dim in enumerate(self._nojump_indices): # Atoms that moved across the negative direction will have a large positive diff crossed_pbc = np.nonzero(diff[:, dim] > ts.dimensions[dim] / 2)[0] self.translate[crossed_pbc, ts.frame :, index] += ts.dimensions[dim] # Atoms that moved across the positive direction will have a large negative diff crossed_pbc = np.nonzero(diff[:, dim] < -ts.dimensions[dim] / 2)[0] self.translate[crossed_pbc, ts.frame :, index] -= ts.dimensions[dim] self.ref_pos = def _static_transformation(self): """Apply the transformation to one frame at a time, and write the unwrapped coordinates to a file.""" with mda.Writer(self.filename.as_posix(), "w") as W:[0] self.ref_pos = # previous frame minus current frame diff = self.ref_pos - for index, dim in enumerate(self._nojump_indices): # Atoms that moved across the negative direction will have a large positive diff crossed_pbc = np.nonzero(diff[:, dim] >[dim] / 2)[0] self.translate[crossed_pbc, index] +=[dim] # Atoms that moved across the positive direction will have a large negative diff crossed_pbc = np.nonzero(diff[:, dim] <[dim] / 2)[0] self.translate[crossed_pbc, index] -=[dim] self.ref_pos = W.write( for ts in tqdm([1:], desc="Writing NoJump trajectory"): diff = self.ref_pos - for index, dim in enumerate(self._nojump_indices): # Atoms that moved across the negative direction will have a large positive diff crossed_pbc = np.nonzero(diff[:, dim] > ts.dimensions[dim] / 2)[0] self.translate[crossed_pbc, index] += ts.dimensions[dim] # Atoms that moved across the positive direction will have a large negative diff crossed_pbc = np.nonzero(diff[:, dim] < -ts.dimensions[dim] / 2)[0] self.translate[crossed_pbc, index] -= ts.dimensions[dim] self.ref_pos = W.write( def __call__(self, ts): """Unwrap atom coordinates.""" # Do nothing if it was a static transformation if self.filename is not None: return ts translate = np.zeros((, 3), dtype=np.float64) for index, dim in enumerate(self._nojump_indices): translate[:, dim] = self.translate[:, ts.frame, index] return ts
class center_membrane: # noqa: N801 """Fix a membrane split across periodic boundaries and center it in the primary unit cell. If, for example, the bilayer is split across :math:`z`, it will be iteratively translated in :math:`z` until it is no longer broken. Then it will be moved to the center of the box. A membrane with a maximum extent almost the same size as the box length in a given dimension will be considered to be split across that dimension. By default, the membrane is only centered in :math:`z`, as it is assumed the membrane is a bilayer. To center a micelle, :attr:`center_x` and :attr:`center_y` must also be set to `True`. Note ____ This transformation only works with orthorhombic boxes. """ def __init__(self, ag, shift=20, center_x=False, center_y=False, center_z=True, min_diff=10): """ Parameters ---------- ag : AtomGroup MDAnalysis AtomGroup containing *all* atoms in the membrane. shift : float, optional The distance by which a bilayer will be iteratively translated. This *must* be smaller than the thickness of your bilayer or the diameter of your micelle. min_diff : float, optional Minimum difference between the box size and the maximum extent of the membrane in order for the membrane to be considered unwrapped. center_x : bool, optional If true, the membrane will be iteratively shifted in x until it is not longer split across periodic boundaries. center_y : bool, optional If true, the membrane will be iteratively shifted in y until it is not longer split across periodic boundaries. center_z : bool, optional If true, the membrane will be iteratively shifted in z until it is not longer split across periodic boundaries. Returns ------- :class:`MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep` object """ self.membrane = ag self.shift = shift self.center_xyz = np.array([center_x, center_y, center_z], dtype=bool) self.min_diff = min_diff if not np.allclose(self.membrane.universe.dimensions[3:], 90.0): _msg = "center_membrane requires an orthorhombic box - triclinic systems are not supported." raise ValueError(_msg) def __call__(self, ts): """Fix a membrane split across periodic boundaries.""" self.membrane.universe.atoms.wrap(inplace=True) for dim in range(3): if self.center_xyz[dim] == False: # noqa: E712 continue # Get the maximum membrane thickness in this dimension at the current frame # If it's almost the same size as the the box size, then the membrane is split across # a periodic boundary dim_pos = self.membrane.positions[:, dim] max_thickness = np.ptp(dim_pos) # If the mmebrane is split, iteratively shift the membrane until it is whole # Note: the below conditional will cause an infinite loop if the water/vacuum # is less than min_diff Angstrom thick in this dimension while max_thickness > (ts.dimensions[dim] - self.min_diff): # shift the membrane translate_atoms = np.array([0, 0, 0]) translate_atoms[dim] = self.shift self.membrane.universe.atoms.translate(translate_atoms) self.membrane.universe.atoms.wrap() # check if it is still broken dim_pos = self.membrane.positions[:, dim] max_thickness = np.ptp(dim_pos) # now shift the bilayer to the centre of the box in this dimension midpoint = np.mean(self.membrane.positions[:, dim]) move_to_center = np.array([0, 0, 0]) move_to_center[dim] = -midpoint + self.membrane.universe.dimensions[dim] / 2 self.membrane.universe.atoms.translate(move_to_center) return ts