Source code for lipyphilic.analysis.memb_thickness

# vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# lipyphilic ---
# Released under the GNU Public Licence, v2 or any higher version

"""Membrane thickness --- :mod:`lipyphilic.analysis.memb_thickness`

:Author: Paul Smith
:Year: 2021
:Copyright: GNU Public License v2

This module provides methods for calculating the membrane thickness over time.

The membrane thickness is defined as the mean distance in :math:`z` between lipids
in the upper and lower leaflets. A discrete intrinsic surface is constructed for each
leaflet based on user-defined lipid headgroup atoms, and the mean distance in :math:`z`
between the two surfaces defines the membrane thickness.


  - *universe* : an MDAnalysis Universe object
  - *leaflets* : a NumPy array containing the leaflet membership of each lipid at each frame
  - *lipid_sel* : atom selection for lipids in the upper leaflet to used in the thickness calculation

- *n_bins* : a discrete intrinsic surface of each leaflet is created with *n_bins \\* n_bins* patches


  - *thickness* : the mean membrane thickness at each frame

Thickness data are returned in a :class:`numpy.ndarray`, containing the mean membrane thickness at each

Example usage of :class:`MembThickness`

An MDAnalysis Universe must first be created before using :class:`MembThickness`::

  import MDAnalysis as mda
  from lipyphilic.analysis.memb_thickness import MembThickness

  u = mda.Universe(tpr, trajectory)

Then we need to know which leaflet each lipid is in at each frame. This may be done using

  leaflets = AssignLeaflets(
    lipid_sel="name GL1 GL2 ROH" # assuming we are using the MARTINI forcefield

The leaflets data are stored in the :attr:`leaflets.leaflets` attribute. We can now create our
MembThickness object by passing the results of :class:`lipyphilic.leaflets.assign_leaflets.AssignLeaflets`
:class:`MembThickness` along with an atom selection for the lipids::

  memb_thickness = MembThickness(
    leaflets=leaflets.filter_leaflets("resname DOPC and DPPC"),  # exclude cholesterol from thickness calculation
    lipid_sel="resname DPPC DOPC and name PO4"

To calculate the membrane thickness, based on interleaflet PO4 to PO4 distances, we need to use the
:func:`.run()` method. We select which frames of the trajectory to analyse (`None` will use every
frame) and choose to display a progress bar (`verbose=True`)::

The results are then available in the :attr:`memb_thickness.memb_thickness` attribute as a

Changing the resolution of the 2D grid

By default, the lipid positions of each leaflet are binned into a two-dimensional
histogram using 1 bins in each dimension. This is equivalent to calculating the mean
height of all headgroup atoms in the bilayer, without discretising the surface.

It is also possible to specify the bins to use for binning the data::

  memb_thickness = MembThickness(
    leaflets=leaflets.filter_leaflets("resname DOPC and DPPC"),  # exclude cholesterol from thickness calculation
    lipid_sel="resname DPPC DOPC and name PO4",

This will use *10* bins in each dimension for creating the two-dimensional histogram.

Interpolate missing values in a grid with many bins

This is useful only if you would like a very high resolution grid. Having a higher
resolution grid may be useful if you would like to later calculate, for example, the
correlation between local membrane thicknesses and the local membrane area per lipid.
The area per lipid can be projected onto the membrane plane using the class
:class:`ProjectionPlot`, and the height of the bilayer as a function of :math:`xy` can be
obtained from :class:`MembThickness` by setting the :attr:`return_surface` keyword to `True.`

A grid with a small bin size (large :attr:`n_bins`) will lead to bins with no atom, and thus no
height value. In this instance, the :attr:`interpolate` keyword should be set to True.
However, interpolation substantially decreases performance and should be left as `False` unless
it is strictly necessary.

The class and its methods

.. autoclass:: MembThickness


from MDAnalysis.analysis.base import AnalysisBase
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats

__all__ = [

[docs] class MembThickness(AnalysisBase): """Calculate the bilayer thickness.""" def __init__(self, universe, lipid_sel, leaflets, n_bins=1, interpolate=False, return_surface=False): """Set up parameters for calculating membrane thickness. Parameters ---------- universe : Universe MDAnalysis Universe object leaflets : numpy.ndarray (n_lipids,) An array of leaflet membership in which: -1 corresponds to the lower leaflet; 1 corresponds to the upper leaflet; and 0 corresponds to the midplane. If the array is 1D and of shape (n_lipids), each lipid is taken to remain in the same leaflet over the trajectory. If the array is 2D and of shape (n_lipids, n_frames), the leaflet to which each lipid is assisgned at each frame will be taken into account when calculating the area per lipid. lipid_sel : str, optional Selection string for lipid atoms to be used in the thickness calculation. The default is `None`, in which case all atoms of the lipids will be used. n_bins : int, optional Number of bins in *x* and *y* to use to create a grid of membrane patches. The intrinsic surface of a leaflet is constructed via the height in `z` of each patch. The default is `1`, which is equivalent to computing a single global leaflet height. interpolate : bool, optional If True, interpolate the two intrinsic surfaces to fill missing values. This substantially decreases performance but allows for the construction of higher-resolution grids. The default is False. return_surface : bool, optional If True, the height of the bilayer at grid point at each frame is returned as numpy ndarray. The default is False. Tip --- Leaflet membership can be determined using :class:`lipyphilic.leaflets.assign_leaflets.AssignLeaflets`. """ super().__init__(universe.trajectory) self.u = universe self.leaflets = np.array(leaflets) self.lipid_sel = lipid_sel if lipid_sel is not None else "all" self.membrane = self.u.select_atoms(self.lipid_sel, updating=False) if not np.allclose(self.u.dimensions[3:], 90.0): _msg = "MembThickness requires an orthorhombic box - triclinic systems are not supported." raise ValueError(_msg) if np.array(leaflets).ndim not in [1, 2]: _msg = ( "'leaflets' must either be a 1D array containing non-changing " "leaflet ids of each lipid, or a 2D array of shape (n_residues, n_frames)" " containing the leaflet id of each lipid at each frame.", ) raise ValueError(_msg) if len(leaflets) != self.membrane.n_residues: _msg = ( "The shape of 'leaflets' must be (n_residues,), but 'lipid_sel' " f"generates an AtomGroup with {self.membrane.n_residues} residues" f" and 'leaflets' has shape {leaflets.shape}.", ) raise ValueError(_msg) self.n_bins = n_bins self._interpolate_surfaces = interpolate self._return_surface = return_surface self.results.memb_thickness = None @property def memb_thickness(self): return self.results.memb_thickness def _prepare(self): if (self.leaflets.ndim == 2) and (self.leaflets.shape[1] != self.n_frames): _msg = "The frames to analyse must be identical to those used in assigning lipids to leaflets." raise ValueError(_msg) # Output array self.results.memb_thickness = np.full(self.n_frames, fill_value=np.NaN) if self._return_surface: self.memb_thickness_grid = np.full( (self.n_frames, self.n_bins, self.n_bins), fill_value=np.NaN, ) def _single_frame(self): # Atoms must be wrapped before creating a lateral grid of the membrane self.membrane.wrap(inplace=True) # Find the height of each leaflet as a function of (x,y), using # `n_bins` grid points in each dimensions # Use all atoms in the membrane to get better statistics # get the bins for the 2d histograms x_length = int(np.ceil(self._ts.dimensions)[0]) y_length = int(np.ceil(self._ts.dimensions)[1]) if self.n_bins > 1: x_bins = np.linspace(0.0, x_length, self.n_bins + 1) y_bins = np.linspace(0.0, y_length, self.n_bins + 1) else: # scipy.stats.binned_statistics raises Value error if there is only one bin x_bins = [0.0, x_length + 1, x_length + 2] y_bins = [0.0, y_length + 1, y_length + 2] # Upper leaflet 2d histogram upper_res = self.membrane.residues[self.leaflets[:, self._frame_index] == 1] upper_atoms = upper_res.atoms.select_atoms(self.lipid_sel) upper_surface = scipy.stats.binned_statistic_2d( x=upper_atoms.positions[:, 0], y=upper_atoms.positions[:, 1], values=upper_atoms.positions[:, 2], statistic="mean", bins=(x_bins, y_bins), ).statistic # Lower leaflet 2d histogram lower_res = self.membrane.residues[self.leaflets[:, self._frame_index] == -1] lower_atoms = lower_res.atoms.select_atoms(self.lipid_sel) lower_surface = scipy.stats.binned_statistic_2d( x=lower_atoms.positions[:, 0], y=lower_atoms.positions[:, 1], values=lower_atoms.positions[:, 2], statistic="mean", bins=(x_bins, y_bins), ).statistic # Interpolate and find the membrane height if self._interpolate_surfaces: upper_surface = self._interpolate(upper_surface) lower_surface = self._interpolate(lower_surface) thickness = ( np.mean(upper_surface - lower_surface) if self.n_bins > 1 else (upper_surface - lower_surface)[0, 0] ) self.results.memb_thickness[self._frame_index] = thickness if self._return_surface: self.memb_thickness_grid[self._frame_index] = upper_surface - lower_surface def _interpolate(self, surface): """Interpolate the leaflet intrinsic surface. Uses scipy.interpolate.griddata to interpolate missing values and remove NaN values. The surface is tiled on a (3, 3) grid to reproduce the effect of periodic boundary conditions. """ surface = np.tile(surface, reps=(3, 3)) # this snippet is taken from: x, y = np.indices(surface.shape) surface[np.isnan(surface)] = scipy.interpolate.griddata( (x[~np.isnan(surface)], y[~np.isnan(surface)]), # points we know surface[~np.isnan(surface)], # values we know (x[np.isnan(surface)], y[np.isnan(surface)]), # points to interpolate method="linear", ) return surface[self.n_bins : self.n_bins * 2, self.n_bins : self.n_bins * 2]